Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 6, 2021

Baby Touch And Feel Roar Roar

Tải Ebook Baby Touch And Feel Roar Roar PDF Epub

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Tải ebookBaby Touch And Feel Roar Roar PDF Epub

Sách Baby Touch And Feel Roar Roar PDF Epub

Baby Touch And Feel Roar Roar Introduce your baby to wild animals with touch and feel textures Get to know how wild animals feel withBaby Touch and Feel Roar Roar Let them touch and learn about wild animal mums and babies with a hairy lion and her cubs, a gorilla with a textured face and a fuzzy baby gorilla, and a polar bear in twinkly snow with a fluffy bear cub Encourage your baby to learn early concepts such as colours, shapes and patterns as they turn each page. The easily recognisable images and

Tải Ebook Baby Touch And Feel Roar Roar

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