Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 7, 2021

Listening, Speaking And Study Skills Student Book With Oxford Online Skills Level 3

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Tải ebookListening, Speaking And Study Skills Student Book With Oxford Online Skills Level 3 PDF Epub

Sách Listening, Speaking And Study Skills Student Book With Oxford Online Skills Level 3 PDF Epub

Listening, Speaking And Study Skills Student Book With Oxford Online Skills Level 3 A three-level, paired skills course that teaches students in higher education the essential skills for academic success. Headway Academic Skills can be used independently or alongside a general English course book such as New Headway or New Headway Plus. The course focuses on developing the specific skills required for academic studies and exploring strategies for success in academic learning. It also offers guidance in key

Tải Ebook Listening, Speaking And Study Skills Student Book With Oxford Online Skills Level 3

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